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Saturday, March 31, 2012

How to Achieve Fulfilment, Success and True Happiness?

Are you in control of your destiny?

As you are reading these words, you may be thinking about and looking for a way to improve your sense of fulfilment, success and true happiness in your life.

It seems that some people nearly always attain success in relationships, business and personal fulfilment, while others in similar circumstances may do well, but never seem to reach the higher levels.

We often say they are "lucky" but I suggest that luck has nothing to do with it.

What does have everything to do with it are the following six factors.

They are the areas which every one of us need to improve in order to attain personal fulfilment, success and happiness. Which of these would you wish to improve? 1. Self-image.
Your beliefs about your self affect how you feel and how you appear to others. Your self-confidence and self-worth are the result of your self-image.

2. Self Control.
The true fact is that either you control your life or you are controlled by it.

3. Creativity.
In its broadest sense it is the artist and the scientist within you, who solves your problems and brings new ideas.

4. Cooperation.
No man is an island, and the successful person will be expert at communication skills, persuading and encouraging others to make his own and their shared goals come true.

5. Planning.
It is said, that "If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up somewhere else". If someone doesn't have clear and focused goals, they cannot complain if the "somewhere else" is not to their liking.

6. Concentration.
Willingness to get going, concentrated effort, persistence and resilience in the face of obstacles - all are crucial to success in achieving life goals.

Look Good - Feel Good

I'm telling you, there really is something to this mind/body connection thing. Controlling how you feel can sometimes seem like an impossible task. When we are down, angry, indifferent, lazy, our posture takes on a totally different form. Our body reflects our inner mood. Wouldn't it be great if we could change those states and be fired up, upbeat, positive, more happy! Well its hard to keep it all together sometimes but we do have control over our emotions.

One trick I have discovered is that you can change your mood by changing your clothes. There is this one outfit I own that just makes me feel like a rock star. Everything about my posture, outlook and state changes every time I wear this outfit out. Its almost like putting on a mask or assuming a different role in this crazy play called life. Of course this is only good for the weekends. But I got to thinking maybe other outfits in my wardrobe can be used for other moods. And so now I'm building up a collection of mood clothes such as serious, focused, productive, handy, social, etc. Its good to know that your outlook on life is within your own control and that a walk to your closet can mean a change of state.

I encourage you to try this out but start slow. Its better to buy new outfits and associate them with new feelings than to try to use older stuff in your closet. Also you must make a commitment to make the desired feeling real. The first couple of times I wore my rock star clothes I made sure I was going out to have a great time. Recently I got this new stylish pinstripe shirt that I wear when I need to be extra productive. I take it and my laptop to the posh library downtown and just get to work. You maybe saying its not the shirt but your actions that make you feel that way, but really I don't care as long as I get results. Yes it does take a little effort at first or luck to associate the right feelings with a new outfit but once its locked you can take it easy a bit. Last weekend I really was not in the party mood but once I put on my rock star outfit on, I couldn't help but feel outrageous and ready for fun. All the previous positive experiences just overwhelmed me when I slip that bad boy on.

So try associating some great positive moods to your new and stylish clothes. Make dressing up a statement of your style but also something that can benefit you personally by enhancing your mood. Look good - feel good. This direct positive mind/body link is amazing and works every time.

This Article came from

Using Meditation To Help You To Reduce Stress

This Article was written by Steve Hill.
Do you feel that you are constantly under stress? Are you looking into ways of how you can reduce your stress levels? If you have answered yes to both of these questions, you are not alone. The world is seemingly becoming faster, more demanding and more pressurised. In this article I write about how meditation can help you to relax and become a happier person.Stress affects people in different ways. I personally feel very tired and lethargic during these periods and start to worry about things, like a future event. This can easily lead me into a period of depression, which in the past I have found it very difficult to come out of.Other people suffer from panic attack attacks, become very shaky and nervous, feel sick in the stomach, become sad and can begin to think in a very negative way.

Most of the conditions I have described above are actually a mental and not so much of a physical problem. This is why I believe meditation to be an excellent form of stress relief or stress management.

Meditation helps us to control our emotions, to think in a more relaxed and positive way and certainly helps us to think more clearly.

Positive effects of meditation:

It reduces your heart rate

It relaxes your breathing and can even make it slower

It can lower blood pressur It can increase your self-esteem by making you think in a more positive way

Helps you to think in a more logical and clear way

Helps you to reduce stress

Types of meditation:

Walking meditation

Mandala meditation

Yoga meditation

Sitting meditation

Prayer meditation

Visualisation meditation

I personally prefer the sitting meditation. I try to make time around three of four times a day when I will sit down to meditate. Originally I had a lack of belief about what I was doing and about if it would work. I found it difficult at this stage to get myself into the zone. With practice and realising that I needed this to work for me, I managed to get enough concentration and focus to see the full benefits.

A lot of the people in my circle of friends think that I am a bit mad. They can not believe that I actually just sit there and think. Meditation has had such a positive effect on my life and continues to do so, therefore my friends can mock as much as they like. I actually believe that some of them should try it themselves but they always laugh at the suggestion.

This is something I now do on a daily basis and it works. Give it a go with belief and I am sure it will benefit you to.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

To My Beloved Mother

It was an accident last February 17,2012 Friday which makes me nervous and too scared that might change my life and my family.Thanks God because it was actually a miracle which provides guidance and second life to my mother.

I love you Mom for everything you've shared to me.Words are not enough to thank you for the love and security.You're unselfishness brought me for what and who I am now and I am so proud that God gave me you my Mother. Now, that I am already grown up and living separately with you I'd  realize how much I really care for you and too scared that one day I will never see you.I don't want you to leave when my promises are not yet fulfilled. I want you to see me happily married and play with your future grand children.Mom I want you to travel with us to places you wish to be and gather beautiful memories again.

Above all these Its God I am so thankful for giving me and my family another chance to spend our lives with her.Lord, You are our miracle and from the bottom of my heart I am so grateful that I have a merciful and Loving God.