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Showing posts with label Personal growth and Experiences. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personal growth and Experiences. Show all posts

Saturday, May 25, 2013

How To Keep Your Cool Under Pressure

A very useful article by Mel Sin on dealing with anger and frustrations at home,work and relatiopnships.Take time to read till end.

There are days when you feel your buttons are being pushed way too hard. But the last thing you want to do is detonate in bad language and angry gestures! So here you go – our tips on how you can keep cool in various situations and come out of it smiling (even if you were boiling inside to begin with!).

How to keep cool… with your kids

One for the moms: Like it or not, but kids can have a knack for bringing out the worst in adults. And it may seem easier to just give up and throw in the towel when dealing with a difficult child, or lose your temper, which isn’t exactly ideal.

So how do you keep your cool when your temper is red hot? Try this: Look at the situation in perspective. Your child may have a reason for lashing out or could be having an off day, which is completely normal as we are all entitled. So instead of being angry, take a breather and know that your child doesn’t intend to drive you crazy; he or she just needs a little more attention than before.

The other thing that works? Get goofy! Nothing works like being silly. This provides a great distraction and soon everyone–kid and you included–will forget why you’re angry in the first place. Sing a silly song, dance crazily, or just have a tickle fest. It works all the time.

How to keep your cool… with annoying colleagues

We all have them–annoying colleagues who just say the wrong thing and do the darnest thing to get on our nerves. From not meeting their end of the bargain to simply not knowing when to shut up, we don’t blame you if there are days when you feel like using the tape to seal your colleague’s mouth shut.

Wait, let go of that masking tape and opt out of violence instead. You don’t want to blow up and be known as the “Crazy One” at work. First things first, to remain calm and to keep your composed professional self–breathe. While your first instinct may be to snap back at your colleague, you’re better off stepping back and taking a deep breath instead. This buys you time to stop you from saying something you will regret. If you must, vent to a friend (someone completely out of your working zone) over a cup of coffee. Just being able to let it all out can do wonders to your mood.

Still annoyed? Find your happy place. Whether it is a few minutes on your favorite website or moving on to the next level on Candy Crush, taking time out will distract you from what’s bothering you in the first place, lets you ease your stress, and help you get back to work in a better mood.

How to keep your cool… when fighting with your partner

You’re both raising your voices and tempers are rising. But before that fight with your boyfriend or your husband turns into an all-out argument where you’ll both regret the things that come out from your mouth, try this.

In the article Fighting Happily Ever After by Elizabeth Bernstein from, Dr. Howard Markman, professor of psychology at the University of Denver as well as co-author of Fighting for Your Marriage, calls it the “speaker-listener technique”. In this technique, Bernstein explains that Dr. Howard suggests  “couples who have a disagreement should call a couple’s meeting, set a time limit of 15 minutes, and discuss the issue at hand. He even suggests flipping a coin to see who gets to speak first.”

After stating your piece, you should then give your partner the chance to speak, explaining one’s position. “A lot of times, all you need is to be listened to,” says Dr. Markman. Through this exercise, the resolution will then become obvious, says the good doctor. If not? It’s time to schedule another meeting.

Remember the few golden rules of fighting: don’t make it personal, stop trying to win all the time, and make sure to listen. You’ll soon realize that the argument was for nothing.

Courtesy of

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sharpen Your Intuition

Hands up—how many of you have heard that little voice in your head that somehow tells you what to do when you're stuck between two choices? Guess what—it's not just in your imagination; that voice is very real and it's called your intuition.
Why is it important for you to listen to it? Even Oprah Winfrey herself said, "Follow your instincts. That's where true wisdom manifests itself." While it may seem to arise from a mysterious inner source, intuition is actually a way your brain accumulates knowledge to help you form unconscious reasoning, a process known as chunking by the late social scientist Herbert Simon, PhD.
Research will also show that women have an edge when it comes to listening to their gut feeling. (Which is why some of us know deep down inside when our guy is telling us a lie.)
Our advice? Listen to your gut feelings instead of just brushing them aside. It may not be right all the time… but our instinct tells us that it can come in handy.
Here's how you can hone them to develop killer instinct.

1. Learn to trust it
Your intuition won't come in handy if you don't trust it. So the first step to honing it? Listening to what it has to say to you about the situation you are faced with.
Here's something to get you thinking: A University of London research team found that people who went with their initial response on a test of visual perception did better than those who were given more time to ponder. The team put this down to the brain's subconsciousness of being able to "spot" answers almost immediately.
In other words, when your gut 'tells' you that you should, for example, take another route instead of walking to that dark and empty street corner, learn to listen. Teymara Antonio-Wright, life coach and the founder of the popular "Born to be Free' seminar, says that our intuition is with us all the time. "Learn to trust your initial feelings. After you do this for a period of time, it will become second nature."

2. Tune into your senses
Says Laura Day, author of Practical Intuition, our instinct is actually an extension of our senses. So to nurture it, you should start paying attention to what you smell, hear, taste and touch throughout the day. This way, you'll be indirectly inciting your intuition to work harder and lead you to the right direction.

3. Give it a moment of peace
Think about the time when your brain switches from one thing to another? Or the time when you find yourself completely swamped with too many things at a time? Chances are you'll be in a state of funk where nothing seems to go right. For your intuition to work, it is important to give it a calmer and more peaceful "surrounding", says Lynn A. Robinson, an expert on intuition as well as author of LISTEN: Trusting Your Inner Voice in Times of Crisis.
"Intuitive answers often come to life's questions through self-reflection. Prayer and meditation are two ways we have of slowing down enough to listen to the still, quiet voice of our Higher Self." Her suggestion? To spend at least 15 minutes a day meditating (or praying). Choose a time when you won't be disturbed and make sure you switch your phone off. Clear your mind during the 15 minutes and simply pay attention to your breathing. As you come to the end, speak to your intuition, says Robinson. "Ask your intuition whether there is a message for you, and listen for answers that may come as a word, phrase, feeling, knowing or a physical sensation," she says.

4. Note down when your intuition was right
Keep an intuition notebook. Whenever your intuition came true, make sure you jot down details of the situation in the notebook. Why is it important to keep count?
Says Susan Apollon, intuitive psychologist and author of Touched by the Extraordinary: An Intuitive Psychologist Shares Insights, Lessons, and True Stories of Spirit and Love to Transform and Heal the Soul, "Intuition and confidence go hand in hand. And nothing builds confidence like a written track record of your intuitive abilities." So go on, track your intuitive wins!

5. Take small steps
Like with everything else, the more you use your instinct, the better you will become at it. Says Robinson, "If using your intuition is new for you, it may be best to use it in relatively low risk situations at first. This will help you develop your 'intuitive muscles'."
So take small steps. You'll find that as you become better at understanding at your intuition is trying to tell you, the decision will become clearer and you will be more confident of trusting yourself.(By SC Chua for Yahoo! Southeast Asia)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

You Get What You Ask For!

In life we get what we ask for.

Now you surely say that it isn't true. You say you ask for freedom and happiness and all you got was feeling imprisoned and bad.

Let's have a closer look to how creation works and how our subconscious mind works. Because it's the same.

Everything that exists is created in someone's mind. Everything starts with a thought. A thought is an energy. Energy wants to manifest itself. A lot of thoughts in the same direction will, that's for sure, manifest in the real world.

This is the process of creation. 
We are created by the same process. We use this process of creation all the time, 
without knowing it.

When we are not conscious, then we are like most people and use this power to create a negative life. We have negative thoughts and get negative results.
Once we learn how to think positive thoughts, we will get positive results in our life.

How come? Our subconscious mind is like the earth. It does not interfere with what we sow. Earth does not say :"Nja I have enough of these carottes, it's every time the same thing, I will make potatoes of it!" Earth does not say : "Bah I don't like red flowers, I will turn the red into blue for these roses!" Earth does not interfere. Earth is patient, works in silence and gives us exactly what we put in it. And we KNOW that! We know we will get exactly what we put in the earth. When we put yellow flowers in it, we don't expect them to be red when they blossom. When we sow roses in the garden we don't expect onions to come out in spring!

And yet that's how we react in real life. We sow onions and expect roses. We sow negative thoughts in our mind (onions) and expect good things (roses) to come out! We fool ourselves! And we blame others. We look for who can possibly be the fault of that (usually we blame the parents or the husband/wife for what goes wrong in our life). And then we cry and say we don't have any luck in our lives. We look at the neighbour and think he's lucky because he has roses in his garden, and we wonder what we did to the world to deserve only onions in our garden!<When the mainstream of your thoughts is negative, let's say for 85 %, than the outcome will be negative for 85%. Your thoughts fall into your subconscious mind, which executes exactly what you put in it. It is like the earth. It is like a computer. When you type in your computer : "I am stupid, I am fat, I am ugly, nobody loves me", are you angry with your printer when the paper comes out that says "I am stupid, I am fat, I am ugly, nobody loves me"? Do you throw a shoe at your computer and do you yell at him that he is the fault of everything that's going wrong? No, because you know you put that information in it and your computer does not interfere. The output matches exactly the input.

So works our subconscious mind. If you don't like the output, change the input. You get exactly what you ask for = what you think of the whole day. Don't be angry with your life. You are not angry with the onions, are you? You are not angry with your computer, are you? Instead of being angry, learn how it works and learn to get positive results in your life. Start thinking positive thoughts. Think only thoughts you wish to see happen in real life. Think only what you want to become true. And wait for a while, be patient. One day you will harvest what you sew, like you know earth will give you back what you put in it. It is never lost. Just wait and see. ( Courtesy of

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

7 Signs of True Love

It's not always easy to tell the difference between lust, sex love and true love. You know you have something special with your man, but you're still feeling things out and figuring out where you stand. But how do you know when it's truly true love? According to Madame Noire, there are 7 things you should be comfortable doing in front of your guy.

Every relationship differs, but being yourself ensures happiness on both ends. Sometimes that means showing your not-so-boyfriend-friendly side. And true love means finding a guy who is totally okay with (and sometimes even crazy about) that side. So, without further adieu, here are Madame Noire's compilation of things you should be able to do in front of a guy you truly love. Oh, and then there's how I'm making out in my relationship. 

Getting mad (at him): "You shouldn't fear letting your man know when he's upset you….That type of communication should make [you and your partner] closer." We rarely fight, but once a month, without fail, my inner lady-beast unleashes on the person closest to me: my lovahhhh. But J is seriously so good at putting up with my PMS mood swings that always wind up directed at him. Last week I got angry when he stood too close to me in the bathroom while I was blowdrying my hair (there is no rhyme or reason) and he knew just to walk away from the situation. He's even matured to the point where he knows that sometimes I just need to vent. So he doesn't argue back, he just listens. I can't ask for more than that. 

Getting mad (at others): "It's healthy to be a bit of a crazy you-know-what sometimes, and you want a man that is not only okay with that, but finds it attractive that you don't let anyone step on you." J encourages me to be less of a push-over (especially at work when I tend to stand in a corner quivering in fear) and stand up for myself, even if that means turning into a not-so-nice version of myself. He's my biggest cheerleader (he has spirit fingers to prove it) and I feel braver pitching new ideas when I know J has my back. 

Crying: "Give him that chance [to make you feel better] and don't go hide whenever you feel the need to cry." Okay, so, I'm not really huge on the waterworks. But I do have one guilty pleasure: watching Grey's Anatomy every week and balling like a baby. J wonders why I would watch a show that makes me tear up so badly and I just tell him that it's my one release a week (I really feel better after that one good cry). He kind of gets it. He just goes in the other room when Grey's is on now.

Being insecure: "You want a man who hugs you, gives you that reassurance, indulges you in your momentary lapse of insecurity, and then forgets about it." GUILTY! I have become such a codependent dresser. I literally cannot choose an outfit in the morning without getting J's approval (what can I say, my man has style). But starting off my day hearing my boyfriend tell me he likes the way I look allows me to feel confident (and loved) and ready to tackle the world. 

Looking unkempt: "Men feel closer to a woman when they get to hang in bed with her, looking the way she only looks at home." Here at Glamour, we're always hearing that guys love girls when they're less done up. They prefer the jeans and tee look. That's guy pretty. But even I had a hard time letting my guard down with J in the beginning-I wanted to look as put-together and sexy as possible for him all the time. And then we moved in together. Now he comes home and finds me with my sweatpants and glasses on eating ice cream right out of the container…and he joins me. 

Getting sick: "If you're going to spend your life with this person, they need to know that you are human." Let's see. There was that first weekend being sick at home together a few months back, the time I passed out in the shower during sexy time…and then there was last weekend when I drunkenly puked on his shoes. Can we all agree that I've crossed all my bases with this one? Sorry J, sorry.

Being affectionate to others: "Physical closeness is a human need! [Your boyfriend] should be secure enough in himself to know that just because you hug, or even kiss on the cheek, a male friend doesn't mean you want to tear his clothes off." I have tons of guy friends and J has even more girl friends. He has never complained about me being affectionate with others, but that might be because when we're out with a group of people I make sure to give him extra attention. I'll be the first to admit it: I love PDA with my man. And no, I don't mean over-the-top making out in front of our friends. But I am guilty of grabbing his ass in public. God, I love that ass. And he knows it. So, no, J doesn't mind if I give my high school bud a kiss hello.(Courtsy of Melissa Melms, Glamour magazine)

Have You Already found Your True Love? Share your experiences with us!




Friday, April 27, 2012

Mind Power: The Ultimate Success Formula

What does it take to be successful?

Ask around and you will find different answers to the formula of success. The truth is, success leaves clues and you can achieve the success in the area you desire by observing the common qualities and principles. They are simple and considered to be common sense but most people simply do not follow them.

Let me share with you one of my favorite quotes:

"There are no secrets to success. It is the results of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure" Colin Powell

As stated in that quote, there are three key factors to achieve massive success in your life:


You don't have to wait for everything to be perfect. Start with the first step and keep moving. Success doesn't happen over night. Prepare, prepare, and prepare. You must be ready to receive the success you desire. Set your sight to the destination that you want to achieve, then work and prepare for the moment when the opportunity knocks your door.

2.Hard Work

Success needs hard work. Don't listen to these 'get rich quick' schemes. You need to build your character and work hard on yourself and your business to achieve greatness. Work hard and work smart. Do the right things and do them in the right way. Don't procrastinate. Take bold actions. Work long hours and craft your legacy.

3.Learning from failure
Successful people do not see failures as failures. They see them as important learning lessons. Lessons that are capable of giving them insights to prevent such mistakes from happening again. By adopting this mindset of turning each failure into a learning lesson or opportunity, you can never fail until you yourself quit.

Infidelity Discovered? 10 Ways to Calm Your Powerful Feelings

When you find out about the affair, the first few hours, days and weeks can be emotionally wrenching to say the least. Or, if someone you deeply care about begins "pulling away" you may also experience intense feelings. Read through this list and pick out a couple things you can do to help yourself during these times.

1. Walk. Run, if you are fit enough to run. Work out. Get the blood flowing. Physical exercise drains off the adrenaline and physically you feel better. You also think better of yourself because you are caring for you.

2. Talk. If you typically handle problems by talking them out, find someone who will listen as you pour out your heart. Give them explicit instructions: "I need to talk, vent, cry, rage, and question. Just look me in the eye, nod your head and listen."

3. Write. Get a kitchen timer. Set it for 5 minutes. Spend that time writing...anything, everything that comes to your mind. Don't censor. When the bell goes off say to yourself, "OK, there it is. Now I need to get on to other things. I will come back later and write more." Put the writing in a safe place or destroy it.

4. Find a safe place and spend some time there. Do you have a favorite lake, wooded area, park, room, chair where you feel safe and can "get away." Intentionally spend some time there.

5. Use good "self talk." Tell yourself, "You are ok. You will be ok. This too shall pass. What you are feeling is normal and will not destroy you." Develop that "observing part" that can speak to6. Pray. Meditate. Use your spiritual resources, if you have them. If you don't have them, it can be a good time to develop them. Spirituality often affirms your worth and enables you to see the larger picture.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Finding The Hidden Self

People today are starting to recognize the value of self-talk. At one time people thought of those that talked to self as someone with a mental ailment. This is not true today. Experts are recognizing that self-talk is a healthy tool that we all can use to find answers to our questions and resolve many problems.

At one time, people thought outer appearance made the person. However, today, people are starting to realize that beauty is skin deep, while inner beauty is to the bone. Today people are running to find ways to develop self.

Recently, personality development courses opened to help these people find their way. Now, people are not spending countless of dollars on improving their looks, rather they are spending more time and money to find ways of healing the hidden self.

The hidden being is decided on the inner conscious. We all have several hidden personalities that we do not recognize. These personalities often come out, usually when feelings are expressed.

To understand one's feelings, one has to use his or her self-talk tools. Most of us can manage our job tasks on a daily schedule, but when it comes to managing our feelings and emotions, often it becomes a struggle. Using self-talk tools can change this behavior. As humans, we often struggle to abandon bad behaviors, or habits. The common problem we face today is greed. We see this by examining human behaviors. You probably noticed that on several occasions when a person made a small lump sum of cash, they often want more. Instead of accepting that they have what they need, many people will thrive to make more money, and often find themselves down and out at the end; Life seems to be nothing more than the almighty dollar, i.e. most people's goal in life.

People tend to believe that they can attain happiness and love by making more money. The fact is these people often find themselves stressing, because they failed to realize that finding love, joy, and peace is the true road to self-development. Success or failure is not what makes a person. What makes a person is fighting through the hidden messages in the subliminal mind to discover self. < We all battle emotional responses, such as anger, sadness, joy, et cetera and these emotions ignite from failures, depression, and success and so on. We all feel down at times. There is no way that we can escape the feeling of sadness, joy, anger, et cetera, but there is a way we can all take control of what we express and feel.

Another problem we face is dependency. Many people in the world today depend on others to pick them up when they are down. This leads to major problems, simply because not one person has the power to heal you, but you.

To work through all of these problems, we must depend on self, and develop a winning attitude to build confidence. By changing our approach, we can see that the world is our own based on how we accept it. If a body is unhappy, then the world will seem like a miserable place to live. One of the common sayings today is, "Life is a B, and then you die." This entire negative is causing them to miss the benefits of living.

In each of our lives, some of us are fortunate while others are unfortunate. We must realize that everything we endure takes place to help us learn. For instance, a severely traumatized person may have lived a life of overwhelming violence. There is a point to be made here. Of course, this person is the victim and has no responsibility of what has occurred in his or her life, yet the point is made clear at the end of this person's journey.

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Benefit of the Doubt

There's a saying in aikido, "There are many lessons on the mat." It means that when we're practicing aikido we're not just learning aikido, we're also learning about life. For example, when someone grabs my wrist too hard and I get angry but don't say anything, I eventually learn that it would be more useful to ask him not to grab so hard. I may also notice that it's difficult for me to ask for what I want in other places in my life, that I suffer needlessly because of it, and that I blame others and justify my blaming instead of taking action. Many lessons . . .

I swim daily and notice that I have a new saying, similar to the aikido one, that goes "There are many lessons in the pool." Every day I seem to have another internal learning adventure.

An example of this is the lane partner dilemma. Some swimmers are easy and quiet as they cut through the water; others splash. Some swim straight and stay in their own part of the lane, leaving plenty of room. Others flail and lunge, seemingly unaware that there is anyone else around. Just like in aikido, with some partners cooperation is easy. As if we were dancing, we know the timing and the moves and we flow easily with each other. With others it's messy, and we're stepping on each other's toes all the time. Ever feel this way? At the pool, as in aikido, I find I can make the situation messier or easier depending on my attitude and actions.

Lesson #1: I am given many dance partners in life. Whether the dance is easy or difficult is influenced at least in part by me.

Please Pick Another Lane.

Which brings me to Lesson #2. One of the "difficult partners" seems to like to swim with me. I can't figure it out. Even when there's an empty lane, he gets in mine. He swims more slowly than I do, so I have to wait for him or double back so as not to "pass" him, which we're not allowed to do at our pool. He splashes and his swimming is erratic, his arms swinging way out to the side and occasionally accidentally hitting me. When I see him coming I think, Oh no, please pick another lane. But he doesn't.

One morning I came to the pool late and this gentleman was already swimming. There was an open lane next to his, and I sat on the edge and was doing my warm-ups when he came up for air. He looked over and motioned to me that he was getting out and I could have his lane. I thanked him but stayed where I was. I had a lane. He explained that he really liked his lane because there were no jets gushing water into the pool. The jets are very strong and bother him. The lane he was in – the lane I usually swim in – doesn't have them. Aha! I say to myself. He doesn't get into my lane just to annoy me. He dislikes the other lanes. And now he's trying to give me the "good" lane. What a nice person!< Lesson #2: It's not always about me.

The Benefit of the Doubt.

A third lesson from the pool is that people surprise me if I let them. Recently I got into the hot tub ("many lessons in the hot tub") to relax after my swim. There was a man in there swishing his legs back and forth really hard, churning the water into waves. I closed my eyes and leaned against the edge of the tub and tried to mellow out. Impossible. I opened my eyes and looked at him, hoping he would see that he was disturbing me. Oblivious. I closed my eyes again. Getting worse. I was practically drowning in the churning hot water. I opened my eyes and looked again. Oblivious. I sighed out loud. Nope.

Search For Self

Another Article I just wanna share and must be re-posted.

The human self is a temple of the Divine.

Life goes on. You can choose to let life flow or get stuck and just keep spinning your wheels. Each day offers a chance to look at the brighter side of life and enjoy it. Each day is a chance to be connected with your divinity. Each day heralds a new beginning. You have to be part of it.

The world never stands still. Time comes when battles that were once critical no longer top the list of priorities. That is if you learn to reconcile yourself with the past, sort out the precious lessons and move on.

Take control of your life, validate yourself, honor and respect your being and most of all, love yourself. This is not about being aggressive, domineering and always in control and confrontational. It is not about becoming self-absorbed.

Far from it. It is about offering a more compatible YOU in a relationship. There are inevitable bumps in any relationship, unavoidable falls and pitfalls.No problem lasts forever. There has to be a way to adjust your sails and enjoy the breeze, not get lost in the storm.Take stock of your life. What are your illusions?What is your reality? How do you deal with failure, with disappointments and the other elements thatfuel stress? Are you just coping, mostly in a crisis management mode? What can you do?

Sometimes, one's world, one's hopes and dreams come crashing with a big bang, a major shaking up of life. This is a chance to take a great leap of faith, to grow and strengthen your self-trust that is eroding. Move on without fear. Fear can be paralyzing. Move on instead with self-confidence. Have faith in yourself. Faith is enduring. Grab the chance to harness the power from the river of knowledge already flowing through your being, to take that first step to get up and move on to the next phase. Time to let go and really let go. Hanging on to personal loss builds up powerful negative blocks; these fuel anger, grief, bitterness, vindictiveness, distrust, confrontation, erodes self-confidence- all negative but very powerful energies. Over time, accumulation of these take its toll on your health.

Why allow a negative influence to knock on the door? Hurtful issues tend to get remote and forgotten.over time.Why dwell on these, the negative energy gets very powerful and takes on a life of its own. What purpose does it serve? NOTHING.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Achieving SUCCESS

Big thoughts and big actions. Do them together and you can certainly make your dreams come alive. This process is simple and direct, as you just need to apply the law of manifestation.

The size of your thinking determines the greatness you are going to achieve in life. Think small and you will live small. The guts and dare to think big, you are going to achieve a whole new level of results. Dream of a small car in life then that's what you are going to receive. Desire more and willing to work to get that more, you are going to get more.

Emotions and feelings are the motivation fuel. Your feelings of "I want this very badly" will spur your commitment and determination to a level that would allow you to push past your limits and comfort zone to reach your goals. Search deep inside you to truly understand the reasons "WHY" you need to reach those goals. Once you understand them, pen your goals down on paper to create an impression in your subconscious mind.

Following that, take BIG actions that correspond to your great and big thoughts! If you are searching for your dream house, see how much it costs and plan it out on how to obtain the dream house of yours. Dream and visualize about your dream house everyday. In this way, it activates the law of attraction and simultaneously you start to attract people and events that relates to your thoughts. Stay alert for "coincidences" from the universe – for example, suddenly meeting an architect or anyone who can help you get that dream house.

Keep an open mind when it comes to your strategies and action plan. If you find your strategies are not getting you to where you want to be. Change! However, bear in mind that you only change your plans and not you goals. It's easy to give up when the going gets tough but it takes commitment, determination and guts to persist and ultimately succeed. Remember, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going!


Monday, April 16, 2012

Creating Your Own Unique Destiny

We are constantly imitating others. When we copy other people, we can't reproduce their charisma, talent or success. Externally, we can imitate their life, their way of dressing and drive the same kind of car, but this does not bring us fulfilment.

We can take another's life as an example, but we must think hard before we follow them. Look at the virtues of others and ask yourself: "I have something valuable and worthwhile myself? How can I bring it out?" When you notice something bad in those around you, make a firm resolve: "Let me not nurture such vices".

There is much hidden potential in each one of us. What should we do to make this blossom? When you activate yourself, you bring out all the strengths and talents that God has given you, all that is inherent in you, that is natural in you, something genuine and original.

Create your own identity. When you do this other people gravitate towards you. Activation leads to gravitation. Then you don't imitate others. Instead others might want to be like you. We are used to paying more attention to the external world. We try to gain social approval by dressing ourselves in a certain manner.

We stand in front of the mirror and make sure that we are presentable before we leave the house. We trust the mirror implicitly. The mirror reflects our outward appearance, not our thoughts, feelings and relationships.

Does it reflect the love in your heart? You may go to your workplace dressed in your best clothes. When somebody provokes you there, you may retort in anger or sulk in silence. Either way your peace of mind is shattered. Now your beautiful dress does nothing to help you. < Imitation cannot give you peace. So, watch your attitude, thoughts, words and desires. Be aware of the calmness in your inner core and try to retain it.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

How to Achieve Fulfilment, Success and True Happiness?

Are you in control of your destiny?

As you are reading these words, you may be thinking about and looking for a way to improve your sense of fulfilment, success and true happiness in your life.

It seems that some people nearly always attain success in relationships, business and personal fulfilment, while others in similar circumstances may do well, but never seem to reach the higher levels.

We often say they are "lucky" but I suggest that luck has nothing to do with it.

What does have everything to do with it are the following six factors.

They are the areas which every one of us need to improve in order to attain personal fulfilment, success and happiness. Which of these would you wish to improve? 1. Self-image.
Your beliefs about your self affect how you feel and how you appear to others. Your self-confidence and self-worth are the result of your self-image.

2. Self Control.
The true fact is that either you control your life or you are controlled by it.

3. Creativity.
In its broadest sense it is the artist and the scientist within you, who solves your problems and brings new ideas.

4. Cooperation.
No man is an island, and the successful person will be expert at communication skills, persuading and encouraging others to make his own and their shared goals come true.

5. Planning.
It is said, that "If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up somewhere else". If someone doesn't have clear and focused goals, they cannot complain if the "somewhere else" is not to their liking.

6. Concentration.
Willingness to get going, concentrated effort, persistence and resilience in the face of obstacles - all are crucial to success in achieving life goals.

Look Good - Feel Good

I'm telling you, there really is something to this mind/body connection thing. Controlling how you feel can sometimes seem like an impossible task. When we are down, angry, indifferent, lazy, our posture takes on a totally different form. Our body reflects our inner mood. Wouldn't it be great if we could change those states and be fired up, upbeat, positive, more happy! Well its hard to keep it all together sometimes but we do have control over our emotions.

One trick I have discovered is that you can change your mood by changing your clothes. There is this one outfit I own that just makes me feel like a rock star. Everything about my posture, outlook and state changes every time I wear this outfit out. Its almost like putting on a mask or assuming a different role in this crazy play called life. Of course this is only good for the weekends. But I got to thinking maybe other outfits in my wardrobe can be used for other moods. And so now I'm building up a collection of mood clothes such as serious, focused, productive, handy, social, etc. Its good to know that your outlook on life is within your own control and that a walk to your closet can mean a change of state.

I encourage you to try this out but start slow. Its better to buy new outfits and associate them with new feelings than to try to use older stuff in your closet. Also you must make a commitment to make the desired feeling real. The first couple of times I wore my rock star clothes I made sure I was going out to have a great time. Recently I got this new stylish pinstripe shirt that I wear when I need to be extra productive. I take it and my laptop to the posh library downtown and just get to work. You maybe saying its not the shirt but your actions that make you feel that way, but really I don't care as long as I get results. Yes it does take a little effort at first or luck to associate the right feelings with a new outfit but once its locked you can take it easy a bit. Last weekend I really was not in the party mood but once I put on my rock star outfit on, I couldn't help but feel outrageous and ready for fun. All the previous positive experiences just overwhelmed me when I slip that bad boy on.

So try associating some great positive moods to your new and stylish clothes. Make dressing up a statement of your style but also something that can benefit you personally by enhancing your mood. Look good - feel good. This direct positive mind/body link is amazing and works every time.

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