It was an accident last February 17,2012 Friday which makes me nervous and too scared that might change my life and my family.Thanks God because it was actually a miracle which provides guidance and second life to my mother.

I love you Mom for everything you've shared to me.Words are not enough to thank you for the love and security.You're unselfishness brought me for what and who I am now and I am so proud that God gave me you my Mother. Now, that I am already grown up and living separately with you I'd realize how much I really care for you and too scared that one day I will never see you.I don't want you to leave when my promises are not yet fulfilled. I want you to see me happily married and play with your future grand children.Mom I want you to travel with us to places you wish to be and gather beautiful memories again.
Above all these Its God I am so thankful for giving me and my family another chance to spend our lives with her.Lord, You are our miracle and from the bottom of my heart I am so grateful that I have a merciful and Loving God.