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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

5 Signs that you have outgrown your relationship

Sometimes, the ease with which we fall in love is also the ease with which we fall out of love. This can happen because the relationship has run its course; your partner and you now want different things out of life; you’ve changed as a person and cannot relate to the relationship anymore. The comfort and habit of being in a relationship may work as a hindrance and not allow you to take the necessary steps required to call it off. But if you notice most or all of these signs, then you know you must confront the obvious and make a decision before it’s too late.

The most difficult thing in a relationship is to keep the excitement going. A certain drop in thrill levels is understandable, but if you feel no or minimum excitement about being in the relationship or with her, then you know you’ve outgrown the relationship.

Earlier you couldn’t get enough of her and now all you want to do is not be together. An obvious lack of interest and the need to avoid being together is another sure shot sign that you’ve outgrown the relationship.

A basic level of attraction is obviously imperative in the relationship. If you’re no longer attracted to her physically then the relationship has hit a dead end. If the spark is dead, then there is no point in keeping the relationship alive.

We’ve said time and again how important communication is in a relationship. The lack of it can spell doom for you and your lover. If you’ve stopped communicating or don’t talk as much about everything as you did before, then you’ve hit the wall. Either you can make a serious attempt to get the communication up and running or you can do the brave thing and call it off.

This can happen to anyone and it does happen ever so often. Your life goals change as you grow and mature as an individual. Your needs in life and what you expect of yourself is a process that is constantly evolving. It could happen that when you'll started you were both on the same path and now, with the passage of time, your paths have diverged. If this has happened, it is better to call the relationship off than attempt to combine roads that are in total opposite directions. 

Read Body Language Like A Pro

The phrase 'more than meets the eye' can mean so much when it comes to body language. "Up to 80 per cent of what we communicate is non-verbal," says Joe Navarro, author of What Every Body is Saying and former FBI agent turned non-verbal communication expert. Whether someone is feeling sad, confident, happy or even lying through their teeth, all of these can be deciphered just by paying attention to one's body communication. Watch out—you could also be letting on more than you think you are with a simple gesture as well!
The thing is we all speak without saying a single word. To find out exactly what those words are, you need to know what signs to look out for. Being able to read and understand body language can be an advantage to you, especially in tricky situations like a job interview, a first date or even when confronting someone.
Need a hand at learning how to read body language? Here, some common body language telltales that can help you assess certain situations.
How to spot a liar
Friend or colleague talking behind your back but denying it? Or is that real estate agent telling you the whole truth about the property you're interested in buying? Her words may say something, but her body language can tell you the truth that you are seeking.
• It's all in the face. To pick up on someone telling a lie, do what poker players do. The telltale signs? In one's face, says poker champion Annie Duke. "Poker players are good at hiding non-verbal cues. But I always watch them very closely. And if I see them blinking fast, licking their lips or flashing a quick grimace before they smile, chances are they're bluffing," says Duke.
• It goes downhill. Not the lie but the body language—head pointed toward the floor and shoulders slouched. These are all good indications that the person you're confronting isn't exactly telling you the truth, says Patti Wood, body language expert and author of Success Signals: Understanding Body Language. "When you're honest and feeling good about what you're saying, your body language is typically up and forward. If not, your body language will typically go down because you're trying to control or keep in the information."
• A shoulder shrug. Did you catch that shoulder shrug? Says communication expert and author of You Say More Than You Think: Use the New Body Language to Get What You Want Janine Driver, the shoulder shrug is a sign of uncertainty. It also is a sign that even the person you're talking to doesn't quite believe what is coming out from her mouth. Be fast though says Driver; the shrug is a very subtle movement but can tell a lot.
Does he like me?
So the first date (or second or third) is going well but not too sure exactly how your date feels about you? Keep a lookout for these body language cues.
• The lick gives it all away. Think about it: At the end of the day, we all have some form of animal instinct. A dog licks his lips before dinner, a lion does the same when getting ready to pounce on a prey. So if you catch your date doing that—and you're not on a dinner date—chances are he's into you, says Tonya Reiman, author of The Power of the Body Language. "We lick our lips in anticipation when we see something we desire." In this case, we're willing to bet that he's anticipating you.
• A slight touch here and there. Not a difficult one to decipher but if your date is touching you from behind when crossing the road or pushing your hair out of your eyes, it is a good sign that things are going well, says Tracey Cox, author of Superflirt. "This is a sign that he wants to touch you and get close but needs an excuse to do it," she says. Tip: Want to show him that you feel the same way? Says Kevin Hogan, author of Irresistible Attraction: Secrets of Personal Magnetism, the body language cue is a "direct way for him to say, 'If you smile, I know you like me back.'

• Count the distance. So you just met a guy at a bar. Did you know you can tell instantly whether he is into you…or not? Simple—just count the distance between the two of you. If he's not feeling you romantically, he'll most definitely stay far away. Just what distance are we talking about? Says Greg Hartley, author of I Can Read You like A Book: How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People are Really Sending with their Body Language, "If he remains four feet and more away from you, it is a clear signal that his heart's not in it." Here's another tip from Hartley: If his shoulder is pointing in the direction of your face as the two of you talk, he's subconsciously trying to turn you off.
Job interview telltale clues
Was that smirk on your interviewer's face a sign of contempt…or did he find your joke funny? Want to know if the job is yours? Check out these body language cues to help you shed light on the situation.
• Head tilt. Is your interviewer looking at you with her head tilted just a little to one side or the other? Good news, says Driver, as this is a clear sign that she is interested in whatever you have to say. Also, pay attention to the palms of the person interviewing you, she says. "Palms slightly up and outward equals open and friendly while palm-down gestures equal dominant and possibly aggressive."

• Are you boring your interviewer? If he or she is rubbing the back of their head or neck? "This may suggest that someone is bored with the conversation," says Driver. How to keep your interviewer's engage? Here's a tip from Navarro: Hold your chin high. Use your hands for emphasis, use open gestures but when you do bring your hands together, make sure your fingertips are pushing against one another. It not only says you are confident but that you want their attention as well.
• Similar gestures. Crossed your legs and your interviewer does the same? That's a positive sign too says Ross Buck, PhD, a professor of communication sciences and psychology at the University of Connecticut. She calls it synchrony, which happens when two people who are interacting mirror body language cues. "Synchrony is a signal that both people are on the same page. When you see someone copying your body language, or you notice that you are copying his, it is a clue that you are probably sharing a similar mind-set at the time." So if you see this happening when you are discussing expectations and salaries, well chances are your interviewer agrees with whatever you are saying!
By SC Chua for Yahoo! Southeast Asia

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Law of Attraction - An Ancient Money Getting Secret

There is a secret to getting the law of attraction to move mountains and to create miracles beyond belief. As you may already know applying the law of attraction with success can be a hit of miss for many people. While there are people who claim to have outstanding results there are those who also complain of not getting what they want. That is because not many people really know the full missing part to applying the law of attraction.

Let me first tell you how powerful this secret is beyond the law of attraction. Think about how long you have been trying to attract some of the things you want. Maybe you have been applying all of the tools that you know of. You have been visualizing your goals. You have been repeating affirmations and perhaps even taking wild actions towards attracting more money but still nothing has changed.

Can you really get the law of attraction to manifest what you want faster? Chances are your answer will be a resounding, no. There is a good reason for that, it is a secret that few people will ever know and it is a secret so powerful that if you gave it a try you would be astounded by your results.

Many years ago when the true secrets to manifesting were not quite so public practitioners became aware of powerful forces in the universe. These forces were immensely powerful and allowed those who called on those forces to create incredible results again and again.

How powerful are those forces you ask and what can they do? - Manifest what you want with out struggling

- Calm your negative emotions so that you are more in harmony with the universe

- Attract more of everything that you want without doing extra work

- Clear away mental, physical and psychic block that are holding you back

- Change your whole life faster than ever

- Do in less time what would take others years

- Feel more joyful without trying to

These are all the things you can experience when you connect to the universal forces in the universe. You can begin to make the law of attraction work magically for you when you do align yourself to those secret forces. Put away all that you think you know or understand about the law of attraction and begin to see miracles and magic happen in your life.

One of the first steps to applying this outrageous secret... is to outrageous still and to allow yourself to entire the void. It is the first step there is o need to visualize, no need to repeat anything just be in the void. This is a powerful first step than cannot be underestimated.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Relationship Mistakes - Smothering your Boyfriend

Have you noticed that some girls just can't help self destructing their relationships? Even when they have a great guy who treats them well, they start committing relationship sins that are sure to lead them to a cold and lonely destination. One major relationship crime is smothering.

Listed below are some of the most commonly violated forms of smothering. If any of this sounds familiar, you need to make a change starting today.

1) Do you insist that you two spend every weekend together?
For your boyfriend to fully appreciate you...he needs time to miss you. Remember, too much of a good thing is still too much.

2) Do you give him alone time?
Everyone needs time to kick back and chill. Your boyfriend will go crazy if you're in his life twenty-four-seven.

3) Do you insist that he brings you to every party or event he goes to? Everyone needs time away from the person that they're dating. Especially, to go out and have fun with their friends.

4) When your boyfriend wants to go to a party or sports event alone with his friends...and you say you show up halfway through or at the end?
This is the ultimate sign that you're smothering him. Not only will this drive him crazy and make you look psycho to his friends, but you'll also be breaking a bond of trust. If you agree to something...keep your word.

5) Do you always come over uninvited or when you're asked not to? Realize that your boyfriend might not appreciate your habit of "just showing up". In your mind, you're being thoughtful and sweet, but that's probably not how he sees it.

6) Do you call him several times a night?
News flash, ladies!! Most guys don't like talking on the phone to the same person more than once a day...this includes you.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Getting Rich Quickly!

How often do we receive this message each day in our email or blasted to us over the airwaves? Too many to count and so much so that we become numb to the message.

Here is exactly how to get rich quick. Count your blessings. What? You have no blessings? Oops! Think again! Everyone can find some blessings if they but look more closely.

The love of your family and friends and your love of humanity. Perhaps you find 'love' a strange word to use so you do not call it 'love' per se; perhaps you call it a deep sense of wishing the very best for those closest to you; and an abiding positive wish for all the best of life for them. This feeling, that many call 'love' is the fountain from which all other blessings flow.

Your job, vocation or profession:
Even though there may be days you dread the clamor of the alarm clock, and you drag yourself out of bed to face another day of problems to solve and people that try your patience it is after all a blessing.

Many people do not have even a job, much less a vocation or profession. Look beyond the rude people and problems and see them as an opportunity to make a difference in some way. You may not change those rude people into mild mannered, genteel people but you can change you and how you react to them. This is your opportunity to practice patience and tolerance and perhaps these people will recognize this seed and plant it within themselves.

"Day by day in every way I am getting better and better." This quote was made famous by the French hypnotist Emile Coue'. This is a wonderful quote to keep in mind when you find yourself slipping into a morass of negative thinking. Our minds are more powerful than we give them credit for being. It is truly amazing that our subconscious mind will grab on to just one negative thought and refuse to let it go, whereas it may take several times (or several hundred) positive thoughts to reprogram that thought, but it will happen with perseverance.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Speeding Up Your Metabolism

Ever wondered why your best friend doesn’t seem to gain an inch of fat despite chowing down that pint of Haagen Daaz while you seem to double in size even with just a spoonful? Blame it on your metabolism, the process that helps you burn off calories. Because of genetics, some women have higher metabolism, which allows them to burn fat faster. Not only that, a high metabolism gives you more energy to get through the day. If you are planning on losing weight, a fast metabolism means more calories burned. More calories burnt means the easier it is for you to drop the weight. But just like everything else, as you age, your metabolism slows down, which is the reason why you’re bountiful of energy in your early 20s but can’t seem to keep up in your 30s. Not only that, age, weight, diet and exercise habit can play a role in your metabolism too. Here are some ways you can revive and speed up your metabolism.(Courtesy of SC Chua for Yahoo Southeast Asia)

Don’t cut calories. The lower the calories, the less strenuous on your metabolism, right? Wrong. In fact, putting yourself on a very low-calorie diet (or any extreme diet at all) will work against your metabolism as this can slow down your metabolic rate and your body will try to conserve energy instead of using it. The way to go? Practice eating a healthy and consistent diet whereby you are getting the recommended calorie intake. What is that number? Depending on your level of activity, multiply your weight (in pounds) by 11. With this recommended daily calorie intake, you can also safely lose up to 1 kg a week.

Be active. When you’re active, you can raise your metabolic rate. A few ways to do this: Opt to take the stairs instead of elevators; hit the gym at least three times a week 30 minutes each time, park a little further in the shopping mall so you will be required to walk a little longer, and if you have a furry friend, take it out for more walks!

Eat breakfast. As far as metabolism and weight loss is concerned, eating breakfast is key. People who eat breakfast actually lose more weight than those who choose to skip it! Because your metabolism slows down when you sleep, it doesn’t go back up again until you start eating. So if you skip the first meal, your body will only start burning more calories when you eat lunch. What you eat is also important; a bowl of oats will do your metabolism a whole lot better than a plate of tapsilog. High-fiber carbs (like oats) take longer for your body to digest and absorb so you stay fuller for most of the morning instead of munching before lunchtime. 

Pile on the proteins.Research shows that protein boosts your metabolism, causing you to burn an extra 150 to 200 calories a day! When this happens, your body actually works harder, causing you to burn more calories. Fish and chicken breast meat are awesome proteins.

Go for spicy. Fiery food like chilli and peppers can also speed up your metabolism as well. A study showed that eating one tablespoon of chopped red chillies actually boosts your body’s production of heat, causing you to experience a temporary metabolism spike of about 23 percent!

Exercise The right way.If you are on the treadmill, rev up your workup by alternating between sprinting and running at an easy pace. Adding this variety makes your workout more effective, increasing your metabolism. Or incorporate strength or resistance training at least two or three times a week. This can help you put on much needed muscles to get toned and to have a positive impact on your metabolism.