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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

9 Best Alternative Medicines for Hair loss Treatment

Too much trouble and expenses for high-end medications of hair loss treatments?, then there are home herbal remedies which are natural and cheap, easy to prepare with no side effects perfect for those environmental friendly and pro-herbal medicines individual. These nine herbal medicines for hair loss treatment and rejuvenation are proven and tested by our ancient doctors dated back 5000 years ago. The use of these traditional plants believed to have shamanic/magical, energetic, functional dynamic and chemical properties that herbalists used to cure not just basic ailments but with holistic nourishment.

1. Aloe Vera- Probably original from Africa but has been used for centuries by Indian tribes in South America. They claim that rubbing some aloe vera gel into your hair and scalp every night will make your hair thick and healthy. Aloe vera has an enzyme called superoxide dismutase that triggers the formation of nitric oxide, stimulating hair growth and rejuvenates the hair follicles and helps reduce hair fall. Today it is used widely in food industries and cosmetic products. Be sure to test your skin for possible allergies.
2. Coconut oil/coconut milk- Also known as the hair nourishing Ingredient oil worldwide. Coconut oil is the most popular and traditional treatment of hair loss which encourages hair growth and slow down the process of losing it. Fresh coconut milk nourishes your hair, promoting growth. It’s the perfect for hair.
3.  Castor oil/Rosemary/Almond and Olive oil- A mixture of these herbal oils will strengthen hair locks and prevents greying of hair and dandruff.
4. Amla oil or Amla juice (Indian goose berry) - Prepared by boiling dry pieces of amla in coconut oil is a valuable hair tonic. A mixture of equal quantity of fresh amla juice and lime juice when used as a shampoo stimulates hair growth and pigmentation.
5. Green Tea- The researchers from Seoul concluded that EGCg stimulates human hair growth by increasing DPC proliferation and slowing the rate of cell-programmed death. It is believed that drinking several cups of green tea a day or ingesting it in capsule form will reduce the risk of having male pattern baldness. The antioxidants called catechins that are found in green tea inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which is responsible for converting testosterone into the more potent DHT.