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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

You Get What You Ask For!

In life we get what we ask for.

Now you surely say that it isn't true. You say you ask for freedom and happiness and all you got was feeling imprisoned and bad.

Let's have a closer look to how creation works and how our subconscious mind works. Because it's the same.

Everything that exists is created in someone's mind. Everything starts with a thought. A thought is an energy. Energy wants to manifest itself. A lot of thoughts in the same direction will, that's for sure, manifest in the real world.

This is the process of creation. 
We are created by the same process. We use this process of creation all the time, 
without knowing it.

When we are not conscious, then we are like most people and use this power to create a negative life. We have negative thoughts and get negative results.
Once we learn how to think positive thoughts, we will get positive results in our life.

How come? Our subconscious mind is like the earth. It does not interfere with what we sow. Earth does not say :"Nja I have enough of these carottes, it's every time the same thing, I will make potatoes of it!" Earth does not say : "Bah I don't like red flowers, I will turn the red into blue for these roses!" Earth does not interfere. Earth is patient, works in silence and gives us exactly what we put in it. And we KNOW that! We know we will get exactly what we put in the earth. When we put yellow flowers in it, we don't expect them to be red when they blossom. When we sow roses in the garden we don't expect onions to come out in spring!

And yet that's how we react in real life. We sow onions and expect roses. We sow negative thoughts in our mind (onions) and expect good things (roses) to come out! We fool ourselves! And we blame others. We look for who can possibly be the fault of that (usually we blame the parents or the husband/wife for what goes wrong in our life). And then we cry and say we don't have any luck in our lives. We look at the neighbour and think he's lucky because he has roses in his garden, and we wonder what we did to the world to deserve only onions in our garden!<When the mainstream of your thoughts is negative, let's say for 85 %, than the outcome will be negative for 85%. Your thoughts fall into your subconscious mind, which executes exactly what you put in it. It is like the earth. It is like a computer. When you type in your computer : "I am stupid, I am fat, I am ugly, nobody loves me", are you angry with your printer when the paper comes out that says "I am stupid, I am fat, I am ugly, nobody loves me"? Do you throw a shoe at your computer and do you yell at him that he is the fault of everything that's going wrong? No, because you know you put that information in it and your computer does not interfere. The output matches exactly the input.

So works our subconscious mind. If you don't like the output, change the input. You get exactly what you ask for = what you think of the whole day. Don't be angry with your life. You are not angry with the onions, are you? You are not angry with your computer, are you? Instead of being angry, learn how it works and learn to get positive results in your life. Start thinking positive thoughts. Think only thoughts you wish to see happen in real life. Think only what you want to become true. And wait for a while, be patient. One day you will harvest what you sew, like you know earth will give you back what you put in it. It is never lost. Just wait and see. ( Courtesy of

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

4 Strategies to Stop Arguing

You know how it is: Sometimes you feel so much damn love for your boyfriend or husband you want to eat his face; other times, you'd like to kick him in the teeth.Well, according to recent studies, feeling both love and hate (yep, actual hate) is totally normal. That's because the same area of your brain that activates mushy feelings is also responsible for producing white-hot rage-which helps explain why even happy couples are destined to fight from time to time"Arguing can be a sign that your relationship is strong and passionate, and that you're comfortable enough to express negative feelings without fear of losing each other in the process," says Bonnie Eaker Weil, Ph.D., author of Make Up, Don't Break Up. Still, there are right and wrong ways to resolve disagreements. We break it down. (Courtesy of Yahoo)

Use Your Ears, Not Your Mouth 

If you find yourself sounding like a playlist on repeat, try pressing pause. "Research has found that unhappy couples tend to repeat themselves out of desperation to be heard, which isn't productive. They wind up talking at each other instead of having a dialogue," says Benjamin Karney, Ph.D., co director of the Relationship Institute at the University of California at Los Angeles.While most people know that cakes and chocolate aren’t great for your health, there are other seemingly healthy foods whose dangerous properties slip under the radar. While it is unlikely moderate amounts of these foods will harm you, in large quantities – or in certain conditions – they may do more damage to your health than you think. Here are some of the most toxic common foods.
Don't Make It Personal 

In the heat of an argument, the gloves often come off. The problem, notes Rita DeMaria, Ph.D., director of relationship education at the Council for Relationships in Philadelphia, is that once nasty insults start flying around and feelings are hurt, nothing will be resolved. Also, according to a study conducted at the University of Chicago, our brains have a built-in "negativity bias," which causes us to be more responsive to unpleasant news. Why? Back in caveman times, our survival as a species was dependent on our ability to stay out of danger, so our brains developed protective systems that made it impossible to overlook the bad. That's why you need to minimize the negative impact of your words. Remember, the goal isn't to upset each other, it's to resolve an issue. So instead of exclaiming "You're so lazy!" tell him how his actions affect you. Try, "I get tired of planning everything for us and wish you would take over sometimes."
Don't Make It Personal 

In the heat of an argument, the gloves often come off. The problem, notes Rita DeMaria, Ph.D., director of relationship education at the Council for Relationships in Philadelphia, is that once nasty insults start flying around and feelings are hurt, nothing will be resolved. Also, according to a study conducted at the University of Chicago, our brains have a built-in "negativity bias," which causes us to be more responsive to unpleasant news. Why? Back in caveman times, our survival as a species was dependent on our ability to stay out of danger, so our brains developed protective systems that made it impossible to overlook the bad. That's why you need to minimize the negative impact of your words. Remember, the goal isn't to upset each other, it's to resolve an issue. So instead of exclaiming "You're so lazy!" tell him how his actions affect you. Try, "I get tired of planning everything for us and wish you would take over sometimes."

Remember You're a Couple 

We know this is a tall order, but if you can express positive emotions during an argument, you'll have a more satisfying relationship two or three years down the road, according to a study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family. "When couples are able to communicate closeness, affection (for example, a touch on the arm or the cheek), and even humor in the midst of an argument, the impact of harsher words is diminished," Karney says. "Positive interactions say that you still like and love each other, and you're committed to the relationship even in the worst of times." And you can even go a step further by incorporating some playful ribbing: Couples who lightly tease each other during a conflict wind up feeling more in love when the disagreement finally blows over, according to a study conducted at the University of California at Berkeley.

Top 10 surprisingly toxic foods

While most people know that cakes and chocolate aren’t great for your health, there are other seemingly healthy foods whose dangerous properties slip under the radar. While it is unlikely moderate amounts of these foods will harm you, in large quantities – or in certain conditions – they may do more damage to your health than you think. Here are some of the most toxic common foods.
While mushrooms available in most supermarkets should be pretty safe to eat, mushroom fans need to be careful about what species' they are consuming as many varieties can be highly dangerous and even fatal. Around 100 species of mushrooms are said to be dangerous to humans, with symptoms ranging from headaches to seizures or even death. In 2010 a small variety of mushroom called the Little White was blamed for an estimated 400 deaths in China.


Chillies are renowned for their heat, which is what makes them so popular. However, it is actually the chemical that causes this spiciness (capsaicin) which can cause toxic effects such as stomach pain, itchy skin and, in extreme cases, death. For most people eating chillies will do little harm, however capsaicin is best eaten sparingly so make sure to take it easy and avoid any chilli eating challenges!

Rapeseed oil

There has been much controversy about this seemingly innocent natural oil, but the general consensus seems to be that it could have many negative implications on our health. Reports state that the rape plant - from which the oil is produced - is extremely toxic, and side effects of consuming its oil could include respiratory problems and blindness.


It is impossible to dispute that rice has many great health benefits. However, like with most things, it may be best eaten in moderation due to its reportedly unsafe levels of arsenic. One study has suggested that one in five packs of American long-grain rice contain potentially harmful levels of the toxic substance, while others have reported concern for the levels of arsenic in rice milk and baby rice. While there is relatively little risk of the odd bowl of rice causing any long lasting harm, the consumption of high levels of arsenic has been linked to cancer.


Perhaps one of the most immediately dangerous foods on this list is also one of the most surprising, and that is the common store cupboard spice, nutmeg. Although, like many of the foods on the list, nutmeg does have reported health benefits, it can also be extremely dangerous when taken in large doses. Containing a toxic substance called myristicin, moderate proportions of nutmeg can cause hallucinations, while larger doses can cause convulsions, palpitations, nausea, dehydration and death.

Non-organic apples

Although it is advisable to buy as much organic fruit and veg as you can, in reality this is hard to do on most people's budgets. When making decisions over whether or not to go organic, it is important therefore to note that some foods have a higher concentration of pesticides than others, and apples are one of the fruits that top this list. Because apples are vulnerable to insect infestations and growths, growers are liable to coat the fruit in chemical pesticides and fungicides, some of which will absorb into its flesh. To minimise health risks, try to buy organic apples wherever possible, or at least remove the skin before eating.

Farmed Salmon

We may be constantly urged to eat more oily fish, but research has suggested that consuming farmed salmon may not be the best way to do it. A study found that 13 different toxins - including PCBs, which have been classed as a probable human carcinogen by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - are at much higher levels in farm-raised salmon than in wild salmon. Due to the possible health dangers of consuming these toxins, it is advisable to either reduce your portions of farmed salmon (guidelines are for a half to two portions a month, depending on where the salmon is from) or switch to the wild variety.

Microwave popcorn

Although eating microwave popcorn is not believed to be particularly harmful, it has been found that butter flavoured versions of the snack contain a dangerous chemical (diacetyl) in the flavouring which releases toxic fumes when microwaved. While this has mainly affected factory workers so far - with many developing a lung condition dubbed "popcorn lung" - one consumer is now known to have also developed lung problems due to this toxin.
However, this is clearly a case of moderation being key, with the sufferer admitting to eating microwave popcorn at least twice a day for 10 to 12 years. Unless you are eating your popcorn in similar quantities, it is most likely safe to consume popcorn at home, just be careful to avoid the fumes when opening the bag.


Potatoes may look innocent enough, but did you know they actually come from the same family as poisonous plant the deadly nightshade? Although they are not quite as dangerous as this family member, potatoes do pose certain risks to our health due to them containing toxic compounds known as glycoalkaloids, the most worrying of which is solanine which affects the nervous and digestive systems, causing headaches, weakness, confusion, diarrhoea and vomiting amongst other things.
Poisoning from potatoes occurs very rarely but fans of the popular vegetable should take measures to protect themselves by avoiding potatoes with sprouts - which tend to have a higher concentration of glycoalkaloids - and those which have turned green. Although the green colour of the potatoes is harmless in itself, it does indicate that the potatoes have been exposed to light, which can also encourage solanine levels to rise over the safe level for consumption.


Not only are peanuts one of the most common food allergens, but the popular bar snack may also be dangerous to those who don't suffer from allergies. Peanuts are particularly best avoided by those with kidney or gallbladder problems as they contain oxalates which can crystallise and cause kidney and gallbladder stones.
However, even for the rest of us peanuts can be toxic due to their susceptibility to mould and the frequently occurring presence of aflatoxin - a highly toxic carcinogen - that is produced by a fungus called Aspergillus flavus invading the nuts. If you simply can't resist snacking on peanuts, try to purchase ones produced in arid areas - such as New Mexico -where the soil is dry and the risk of aflatoxins is lower.( Courtesy of

Foods high in antioxidant content

A recently published study out of Portugal found that green tea and hibiscus-based beverages worked the hardest for their consumer, as they had the highest levels of antioxidants out of 19 commercially available drinks.
More than blackberry and raspberry-based products, the combination of green tea and hibiscus proved to be the most antioxidant-rich.
Meanwhile, a study out of Norway catalogued the antioxidant content of more than 3,100 foods, beverages, spices, herbs and supplements in 2010.
Here are some of the most antioxidant-rich foods from the database: (Courtesy Of AFP Relax News )
Pomegranate juice
Red wine
Breakfast cereals, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds
Chestnuts  with pellicle, or the skin of the nut
Pecans with pellicle
Sunflower seeds
Walnuts with pellicle
Berries, fruits and vegetables
Baobab, an African fruit
Amla (Indian gooseberry)
Bilberries (dried)
Dog rose (dried, fresh)
Dried plums, prunes, apricots, apples
Blueberry jam
Curly kale
Mint leaves

7 Foods That Makes You Happy

Different kinds of foods serve different kinds of purposes. Of all the different purposes that food serves, the most consistent one is that it can make you feel happy. To know what foods you must eat if you wish to chase away the blues, then you need to continue reading.

1. Dark Chocolate

We are sure you are not surprised to read ‘Dark Chocolate’ here! Dark chocolate improves the blood-flow to the brain, and it provides an instant boost in concentration and mood. Generally, chocolate is thought to be only an aphrodisiac but that is clearly not the case. Therefore, it is advisable to keep dark chocolate handy and take a big bite the moment you feel low.

2. Honey

Honey is extremely healthy and way better than sugar. If you are suffering from depression then you must include honey in your regular diet as it contains kaempferol and quercetin which help treat depression. Both these also help reduce any inflammation in the brain. Also, the good sweet taste of honey helps lift bad mood at once!

3. Eggs

‘Sunday ho ya Monday, roz khao ande!’ You must have heard this jingle time and again. Eggs are exceptionally healthy and, therefore, are a must in everyone’s diet. Eggs contain sufficient amounts of vitamin B, iodine, zinc, proteins and omega-3 fatty acids. Eggs will not only ensure your mood stays upbeat, but they will also ensure your stomach stays happy by being full!

4. Yogurt

This calcium rich snack is sure to guarantee a better, happier mood. Yogurt contains probiotics, friendly bacteria that are known to ease depression. Also, yogurt is healthy and will not add to your calorie count. So, the next time you feel down and out indulge in a cup of yogurt instead of ice cream!

5. Green Tea

Green tea is a very healthy drink and extremely popular among the young generation. If you feel stressed, then it is in your best interest to brew yourself a cup of tea. The green tea leaves contain L-theanine, which is an antioxidant that is known to have a relaxing effect on your senses. Also, green tea will leave you with a fresher breath and help prevent tooth decay. So have a cup of green tea and treat yourself to some great mood and healthy teeth!

6. Coconut

This may come as a shocker, but coconut when eaten in its raw form will leave you with a better mood. Coconuts contain triglycerides which are special fats that aid in improving moods and in general they promote the health of your brain. However, do remember that coconut milk is actually rather unhealthy. It would be in your happiest interest to stick with raw coconut.

7. Spinach

Popeye swears by spinach and so should you! Spinach like most leafy green vegetables, is amazing for your health and is also a home remedy for different ailments Spinach is rich in iron, which adds to your happiness quotient.( Courtesy of HILONEE FURIA of

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Looking Good In Every Photo

1. Favor the left side of your face. A US study conducted by Wake Forest University has revealed that the left side of the face is more attractive than the right, apparently due to the fact that this side of the face shows more emotion. To capture the perfect profile picture, look or angle your face slightly to the right to reveal your ‘best’ side. This can also help to give the illusion of a slimmer face for those with rounder faces

2. Choose your makeup carefully. For the perfect photo-ready appearance, make sure you avoid light reflective or mineral foundations containing high amounts of titanium dioxide (a reflective pigment). Although these foundations are great for an everyday luminous look, the flash of a camera can quickly transform your dewy complexion to a ghostly white one as the white light reflects back from the camera. Once you have applied a suitable foundation, finish your look with some face powder to help eliminate shine.

3. Accentuate your best features. To look your sparkling best in photos, make sure you emphasize your favorite features to make them stand out in your snapshot. Love your eyes? Try playing them up with some eyeliner or false lashes. Think you've got great lips? Perk them up with some bright lipstick. Also, make the most of your best body features with an outfit that complements your shape and coloring.

4. Look away from the lens. Nobody wants glaring red or half-shut eyes ruining an otherwise great photo, so make sure you avoid this by focusing your eyes just slightly above or below the lens, or look at the face of the photographer. Looking directly at the lens causes light to flash off the retina, leading to the red eye effect. Looking slightly away from the camera will also reduce the risk of those mid-blink shots.

5. Avoid “red eye” shots. As “red eye” in photographs is caused by light reflecting off the back of the eye, those with large pupils are more likely to suffer from this pesky problem. If averting your gaze from the camera is not doing the trick, another tip for alleviating the red eye effect is to make sure photos are taken in well lit environment or to look at a bright light just prior to the photograph being taken to make your pupils smaller. You and your friends won't end up looking like a cast of vampires.

6. Banish the double chin. There’s nothing worse than spotting a picture of yourself sporting a double chin where you previously only had one, yet sadly this happens to the best of us. To avoid the appearance of a double chin in photos, make sure that the camera is just above or at your eye level. Also, try tilting your head up and jutting your jaw out slightly–you may want to practice this one first in the mirror to stay looking natural.

7. Avoid direct light. It may not always be possible to control the lighting for your photos and, unless you happen to be a professional model, you most likely won’t have someone on hand to make sure it’s just right. Direct light from above can cast shadows on your face and accentuate the appearance of under-eye shadows. Opt for areas with softer lighting or head to the shade if outdoors.

8. Pose like a pro. If you’re posing for a full body shot, try the classic celeb pose of turning your body three quarters of the way towards the camera, with one shoulder closer to the camera and one foot in front of the other. This will make you body appear slimmer than if you were facing the camera face on. Try keeping your back straight with your shoulders back and your stomach in (just try not to suck it in too much, you won’t be fooling anyone!).

9. Master the perfect smile. Many of us focus on our mouths when smiling; however, in the words of supermodel Tyra Banks, it’s all about the “smeyes” (smiling with your eyes). Rather than forcing a grin, think about something that makes you happy for a more natural smile. (Of course being with a loved one in the photo can make that smile come more naturally.) You may also want to perfect your personal smile to work with your features. For instance, a beaming smile works great for those with good teeth, while a more relaxed half smile will make small eyes appear

10. Practice your pose. If you’re really keen to capture the perfect photo, the best thing you can do is practice beforehand. Experiment with different face and body angles, smiles and facial expressions (even outfits!) to find what works for you, either in front of the mirror or with your own camera. (Just do it in the privacy of your own room; cam-whoring in public is so unappealing.) Once you have discovered which looks you like best, you are ready to unleash them at every photo opportunity, making sure you look perfect each time(Courtesy of